Chain reaction

Diana Ross was 80 years old on 26th March.

As already mentioned the ‘80’s found Any Effects somewhat the Go To guys for music videos. Working for MGMM ( Mallett, Grant, Mulcahy and Millaney) regularly saw us providing effects for many iconic videos. It was always long hours and always through the night. And, it was always organised chaos in the name of spontaneous art!
Any Effects were therefore regularly challenged to create safe but instant SFX with little planning and regard to Health and Safety.
In 1984 we had had a safety issue with Ozzy Osbourne (No surprise there!) and so when, a few weeks later, it was proposed to stand Diana Ross in the middle of circular spray of pyrotechnic sparks wearing a flammable dress we were forced to shout “hold on a minute”. We called a meeting and proposed the construction of a rolling platform to be wheeled in to extract the star in an emergency. With the platform poised with fire marshals at the ready and unfortunate technician in position underneath to manually spin the wheel, they ran the track, the wheel was spun, we ignited the ‘roman candles AND…. it all worked perfectly!
At the end of the shoot half the male crew lined up to say farewell to Diana and hope for a kiss. Tom, perhaps the person who most deserved a kiss, didn’t receive one! That’s show business



Tina Turner: Queen of rock ‘n’ roll